Collection: Femilet (Chantelle EasyFeel)

You can still find the fine lingerie from Femilet at Tryde Andrés. It has simply changed its name to Chantelle EasyFeel. So if you're looking for the good Norah, Emma or Floral Touch, we still have them. During a transition... You can still find the fine lingerie from Femilet at Tryde Andrés. It has simply changed its name to Chantelle EasyFeel. So if you're looking for the good Norah, Emma or Floral Touch, we still have them. During a transition period, they are here under Femilet, but you can already and in the future buy your Femilet lingerie under the Chantelle EasyFeel brand. You will find Chantelle EasyFeel here.


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